July 21 | 6pm | In-Person | Pier 16 | Free
Meet past and present Commodores of the Knickerbocker Sailing Association, New York City’s only LGBTQ+ sailing club, for a moderated, informal discussion on Thursday, July 21 at 6pm aboard Wavertree to explore the events and cultural landscape of the 1990s and how they influenced the formation and evolution of the KSA and fueled the continuing fight for equality for all.
KSA was founded in 1994, at a major intersection on the road to equality and the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans. Come raise a glass and travel back in time to the not-so-distant past in order to better understand how far we have come and how much work is yet to be done. Guests will include: Braden Toan, Brian McGovern, and James Weichert, all former or current Commodores of KSA.
Location: Tall Ship Wavertree
Guests must walk up a few stairs and along an angled gangway to board the ship.
The event is FREE, and advance registration is required.
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Sea Songs, Sea Lives
Join us for a webinar series that explores the lives of diverse groups of sailors today and in history through conversations with singers, sailors, historians, and more.